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Launch of Open Textbooks

30 December, 2015 - 17:26


Open English has been placed on EDB's Recommended Textbook List. If you wish to know more about the textbook series, you may wish to come to the Launch of Open Textbooks for Hong Kong.

Here are the details:


23 January 2016


(Launch) 10:00am – 11:00am; (Seminar) 11:15am – 12:30pm


Theatre 1 (D0309), 3/F, Jubilee College, 81 Chung Hau Street, Homantin, Kowloon

Target Audience:

School principals, teachers, parents, students and the public


The launch will be officiated by representatives from Education Bureau, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, etc. There will also be educational organizations demonstrating how schools could obtain printed copies of Open English and showcasing various eLearning platforms which are suitable for schools. If you want to have a deeper understanding about the project, such as its rationales and the content design of Open English, you are most welcome to join the seminar which will be held after the launch.

Participants will receive a sample unit of Open English and a souvenir on a first-come-first-served basis. Please visit our project website ( for more information. For enquiries, please contact Ms Wu (Tel: 2768 6484) or Ms Li(Tel: 2768 6482).