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Additional seats available for first comers (Seminar on 11 April 2015)

17 March, 2015 - 17:16

Thank you for schools' enthusiastic support to our seminars on English Language Open Textbooks, the April session is FULL. 

Additional seats will be made available for first comers (i.e. teachers from schools which have not particiapted in our previous briefing sessions / seminars). Additional seats are limited. Please confirm with us the seat availability ASAP (Enquiries: 2768 6482 / 2768 6484). 

Tryout package details:

After participating in our seminar, teachers will be provided with an account at our website to access the PDF version of the tryout units.

Teachers could then access our multiple-format ‘Open English’ tryout units, upon returning the reply slip of the Open Textbook Tryout Scheme (which will be distributed at the seminar) to us.

Here is a summary of the tryout package:

Multiple formats

Access the books at

  1. PDF

(student’s book & teacher’s book)

Our website:


  1. ePub
  1. Web version
  1. eBook (HKEdCity)

HKEdCity’s EdBookshelf

(By teachers / students’ EdCity account)

  1. Print

The Open Textbooks for Hong Kong will NOT provide printing and delivery service of the tryout units to schools starting February 2015. Teachers could print the books for their classes using the PDF files we provided.


Details of the seminar:

Enquiry about the seminar:

Miss Andie Li      Tel: 2768 6482 / Email:
Miss Benise Wu     Tel: 2768 6484 / Email: