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The term of ‘partnership’: Documentary analysis

20 April, 2016 - 16:59

A first reading of the content of the documents selected aimed to discover how inter-organizational partnerships were mentioned in the documents analyzed. To this end, specific expressions/terms were looked for, namely, partnership, relationship, relation, network, cooperation, collaboration, agreement and protocol. 1 - The diversity of expressions sought arises, firstly, from the multiplicity of specific forms inter-organizational relationships can take on 2, 3, and secondly, from not expecting the choice of expression used in mentioning inter-organizational partnerships in the documents selected to adhere to rigorous scientific criteria.

Table 5.3 summarizes the analysis made, indicating the number of times each expression appears in each document and in what context.

Table 5.3 Documentary analysis – Expressions referring to inter-organizational relations
Document Partnership Partner Relationship Relation Network Cooperation Collaboration Agreement Protocol
Article on the CMM Activity Plan       1
(with institutions in the Health sector)
(road network)
(with Associations and Forestry Office)
Educational Charter of Mação Local Authority 1
(meals supply to schools)
(road, school, urban
and transport network)
(with Community Councils)
Educational Project 2009-2011 2
(with entities in the sector and Psychological Support)
(partner in education)
(transport and school)
(interpersonal and inter-institutional)
(with families and other partners)
(Psychological Support)
Curricular Project 2010-2013 2
(with health, safety, cultural and teacher-training institutions)
(interpersonal and between family and school)
(between elements making up the sector)
(with Parents and with teachers)
(with Parents)
Proposal for EMPRE Pedagogical Intervention 1
(Tagus Valley with Polytechnic Institute of Tomar)
(between teachers and classes)
Regulations of the Vale do Tejo Technological Centre 2
(with centres of knowledge)
(road and urban)
(between firms)
(collection of solid waste)
EMPRE project’s online platform 3
(R&D and various entities for entrepreneurship education)
(of EMPRE project partners)

From the documentary analysis presented in Table 5.3, it can be observed that it is documents issued by AEVH that make most frequent reference to specific relationships concerning inter-organizational partnerships, particularly with entities in the field, and more exactly with parents and families.

As for the Local Authority (CMM) documents, despite the content denoting commitment to the educational success of pupils in the area and the will show to make CMM resources which could contribute to that end available to AEVH, in those documents there is no specific use of expressions related to partnerships with AEVH, with one exception regarding the supply of school meals.

Concerning the documents from Tagusvalley, it is of note there is only one explicit reference to partnerships with various entities in the sphere of entrepreneurship education, among which we can naturally include schools, and AEVH in particular. Despite the lack of use of expressions, there is a clear commitment to the purpose common to all the partnership organizations this study intends to analyse, which includes particularly young people’s integral development and keeping them in the district.