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21 July, 2015 - 11:51

The case of education in Brazil shows a state of radical change. In a national perspective, education is now perceived with a different angle from the stakeholders of economic development and draws e new profile between business and universities. The reality about entrepreneurship education, as an economic development tool, raises a lot of interrogations about the necessity of systemizing before acting. The pedagogic perspective of teaching as a context, nor a process, seems to bring a solution to the obvious lack of results, permitting to establish the bases to develop the adequate vision for the entrepreneurial reality and to shows a context of action. This combination, thru an innovative educative strategy enhances both the necessity to establish new parameters in function of both context and strategy.

An endogenous pedagogical perspective becomes relevant when any pedagogical thinking establishes itself in a systematic way. Based on the Brazilian thinkers and practitioners, an entrepreneurship education pattern arises through the multidisciplinary aspects related to the realities of Brazilian entrepreneur, their business and socio-economic realities, in which teaching and learning must have a distinct dynamic. The development and application of such pedagogy takes force in the intersection of the importance of realism as the basis of educational thinking, and the importance of research as a source of evaluation of the educational process.

In general, Brazilian universities are not prepared to develop accurate training for entrepreneurs. As exposed previously, the field of entrepreneurship has a particular complexity, involving multidisciplinary aspects, which cannot be accomplished neither by traditional universities or foreign partners. Pedagogies in the classroom must be developed on the basis of a local reality.

All together, the contributions of the chapter will offer rich avenues of realistic reflection, practice and review for all actors involved in the teaching of entrepreneurship. The result, we believe, is a chapter that promises to put students, practitioners, teachers, and researchers in an insight that is a lot more than proper luxury, but real necessity. Re-thinking the effort of teaching in entrepreneurship, with the aim of achieving a transformation process of the student is vital to entrepreneurship education. It raises the importance of generating education results thru a process of change and action in an entrepreneurial context, but in a truly Brazilian perspective.