********************************************************************* Filename: Demo_Standard_Libraries_Listing.txt Purpose: Prototypes for various Standard Library functions and Explain various include files Comment: Not all items are demonstrated in the Demo_Standard_Libraries.cpp Author: Ken Busbee; © 2009 Kenneth Leroy Busbee Date: Apr 24, 2009; Modified Mar 20, 2010 Licensed by: Kenneth Leroy Busbee under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0) http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ ********************************************************************* Purpose Prototypes Library ****************************************** ************************ int abs(int number); absolute cstdlib double sqrt(double number); square root cmath size_t strlen(const char *str); string length Note: you can consider size_t to be an integer cstring int system(const char *system_command); run an os command cstdlib void exit(int exit_code); immediately stop program cstdlib clock_t clock(void); thousands of seconds that the program has been executing Note: you can consider clock_t to be a long integer ctime NOTE: Some prototypes may be included in more than one library ********************************************************************* Library Purpose ******** *********************************************************** iostream Contains functions for object classes used for file I/O Specifically: cout and cin fstream Contains functions for object classes used for file I/O Specifically: open and close iomanip Contains manipulators used for I/O Usage Purpose ****************** *************************************** endl go to a new line or end this line setw(width) output numbers with a specified width Note: must be done just befoe every output item fixed makes floating-point values show in non scientific (exponent) format setprecision(size) how many positions after the decimal point to show string Contains functions for the String object class. Specifically: identifier_name.length() function call. ********************************************************************* End of File *********************************************************************