Filename: Lab_09_Narrative_Description.txt Purpose: Farmable Land Calculation Comment: Your professor is the project System Analyst. Author: Ken Busbee; © 2009 Kenneth Leroy Busbee Date: Jan 12, 2009; Modified: Mar 17, 2010 Licensed by: Kenneth Leroy Busbee under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0) ************************************************************* In the mid-west many farmers irrigate from a well near the center of a piece of land using a circular irrigation system. The farmer plans on farming an almost square (but it is a rectangle) piece of property and needs to know some answers for planning. This program is to get two measurements for a rectangular piece of property. The measurements will be in feet, and should be identified with variables named length width. The program is to calculate the area in square feet of the rectangle and the largest circle that could fit into the rectangle. The farmer wants to know the acreage of: 1. the property 2. the farmable area 3. the non-farmable area You are to Google Internet to determine how many square feet are in a acre. A graphic of farms using this type of irrigation is provided. A hierarchy chart is provided and you are to name your program control functions (middle level) as shown. You are to use specific task functions (lowest level) from the user libraries as appropriate. Additional information about Center Pivot Irrigation can be found at: ************************************************************* NOTE: The farmer is smart enough to enter the longer side of the property as the length and the shorter side of the property as the width. You should not include any code for checking to see if he did it right or wrong or fixing it if he did it wrong. ************************************************************* End of file