Filename: Lab_20_Narrative_Description.txt Purpose: Creating an array function that gives the minimum (smallest) value in the array. Author: Ken Busbee; © 2009 Kenneth Leroy Busbee Date: Apr 7, 2009 Licensed by: Kenneth Leroy Busbee under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0) ************************************************************* You are to write a program named Lab_20.cpp that does the following: 1. You will want to use the Demo_Finding_Array_Member.cpp as a starting point. Make sure that you change the comments to a correct filename, purpose, author and date, etc. 2. You will use the Demo_Farm_Acres_Input.txt data file. 3. Leave all of the existing code in place. You will be adding a function that returns an integer value after being passed an array and the number of array elements. The value it should return is the minimum (smallest) value that is within the array. The name of the function should be: min_array 4. Display the minimum value within the function main following the display of the maximum value. ************************************************************* End of file