Filename: Lab_21_Narrative_Description.txt Purpose: Practice reading, sorting and displaying a character array Author: Ken Busbee; © 2009 Kenneth Leroy Busbee Date: Apr 29, 2009; Modified: May 11, 2010 Licensed by: Kenneth Leroy Busbee under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 3.0) ************************************************************* You are to write a program named Lab_21.cpp that does the following: 1. You will want to use the Demo_Sort_Array_Function.cpp (See: Sorting an Array in Chapter 20) as a starting point. Make sure that you change the comments to a correct filename, purpose, author and date, etc. 2. You will use the Lab_21_Input.txt data file. 3. Read in character members from a file into an array. The characters represent a student’s final grade (Example: A B C D F I W). You should use the two step process that is in the existing program. You count the memebers; allocate the array; then load the array. 4. Display the array; however change the display function to list the grades horizontally with two spaces between them, instead of vertically. Do not list offset or the element values. It should look something like: A C B W A D C etc. 5. Bubble sort the array. 6. Display the array again. 7. HINT: Leave all of the existing code in place. You will be changing all items needed to handle character data instead of integer data. Most of this changing is changing the data type in various places. All of the function prototypes and definitions need to change the: int things[] to: char things[] The following variable declarations need to be changed from whatever they are to char: int grades[record_count]; double next_value; int temp; You will need to make some changes to the display_array function as noted in item 4 above. ************************************************************* End of file