With an aim to provide more alternatives to educational materials, governments and universities from different parts of the world have been devoting to the promotion and development of OER, and the innovations are now diffusing to textbooks for primary and secondary schools.
Open Educational Resources (OER) Projects
Africa | |
Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, South Sudan and Tanzania (member countries of AVU, an intergovernmental organization) |
ORE @AVU (African Virtual University) http://oer.avu.org/ |
Ghana | KNUST Open Educational Resources http://web.knust.edu.gh/oer/pages/ |
South Africa | OER Africa http://www.oerafrica.org/Home/tabid/36/Default.aspx |
Thutong, South Africa Education Portal http://www.thutong.doe.gov.za/ |
Asia | |
China | CORE (China Open Resources for Education) |
SJTU Open Courseware http://ocw.onlinesjtu.com/ |
Indonesia | University of Sumatera Utara Open Courseware http://ocw.usu.ac.id/ |
Japan | Sophia University Open Courseware http://ocw.cc.sophia.ac.jp/ |
Osaka University Open Courseware http://ocw.osaka-u.ac.jp/ |
Malaysia | UTM Open Courseware http://ocw.utm.my/ |
South Korea | KOCW (Korea Open Courseware) http://www.kocw.net/home/index.do |
SNOW (Sookmyung Network for Open World) http://www.snow.or.kr/ |
Taiwan | Taiwan Open Courseware Consortium http://tocwc.nctu.edu.tw/ |
Southern Taiwan University Open Courseware http://ocw.stust.edu.tw/ |
Turkey | EMU OpenCourseWare (Eastern Mediterranean University) http://opencourses.emu.edu.tr/ |
Australia | |
Australia | USQ OCW (University of South Queensland Open Coursewares) http://ocw.usq.edu.au/ |
Europe | |
Belgium | University of Leuven http://ocw.kuleuven.be/ |
France | Paris Tech http://graduateschool.paristech.fr/?langue=EN |
The Netherlands | Open University Netherlands http://www.ou.nl/eCache/DEF/2/19/943.html |
Russia | Moscow Architectural Institute |
Spain | University of de Cantabria http://ocw.unican.es/ |
The United Kingdom | The Open University, The OpenLearn Website http://labspace.open.ac.uk/ |
University of Oxford (UK) http://open.conted.ox.ac.uk/resources |
North America | |
Canada | Capilano University OCW http://ocw.capilanou.ca/ |
Commonwealth of Learning http://www.col.org/RESOURCES/CRSMATERIALS/Pages/default.aspx |
The United States | JHSPH OCW http://ocw.jhsph.edu/index.cfm |
Massachusetts Institution of Technology, MIT Open Courseware http://ocw.mit.edu/resources/ |
Open.michigan http://open.umich.edu/education |
UMass Boston OCW (US) http://ocw.umb.edu/ |
University of Minnesota, Open Academics https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks/BookDetail.aspx?bookId=40 | |
University of Notre Dame, Open Courseware http://ocw.nd.edu/courselist/ |
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