
History, development and trend of OER / OTB

Title Authors Summary Media License
An open textbook system for Hong Kong
(Celebrating Innovation: e-Curriculum Tour, 2013)
Dr. K. S. Yuen
The Open University of Hong Kong
Explains the problems arising from traditional textbooks and how the adoption of open textbooks would solve these problems in Hong Kong PDF CC BY 3.0
A few things you need to know about Open Educational Resources
(Symposium on e-learning and open educational resources : Practices and new initiatives, 2012)
Prof C. M. Leung,
The Open University of Hong Kong
Explains the rationale of OER and how OER enhances learning and teaching PDF CC BY 3.0
Open Educational Resources in Asia
(Symposium on e-learning and open educational resources : Practices and new initiatives, 2012)
Mr. Ishan Abeywardena, and
Prof. Gajaraj Dhanarajan, Wawasan
(Open University, Malaysia)
Reports the trends of the use of Open Educational Resources (OER's) in the Asian region PDF CC BY 3.0
CAST & its roles in open CAST Explains how open learning resources support creative demonstration of knowledge in classrooms video CC BY 3.0
A Brief History of OER Dr. David Wiley,
Utah State University Centre for Open and Sustainable Learning
Briefly describes the history and trend of OER textual content CC BY 3.0 US
A Short History of OER CC Wiki Describes the history of OER textual content CC BY 3.0
The cost and quality of open textbooks:
Perceptions of community college faculty and students
Mr. T.J. Bliss,
Dr. John Hilton &
Dr. David Wiley of
Brigham Young University &
Ms. Kim Thanos of Thanos Partners
Reports the result of a survey about the cost and quality of open textbooks in the context of an initiative called Project Kaleidoscope textual content CC BY 3.0
OER in Asia: Trends and Issues Mr. Ishan Sudeera Abeywardena,
Wawasan Open University (WOU)
Reports the trends of the use of Open Educational Resources (OER’s) in the Asian region textual content CC BY 3.0
Trend Report: Open Educational Resources 2013 Open Educational Resources Special Interest Group (SIG OER) Describes in detail the trends in open educational resources (OER) and open education in the Netherlands and elsewhere, from the perspective of Dutch higher education PDF CC BY 3.0 NL