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23 July, 2015 - 09:32
  1. The European Commision Press releases database
  2. Matlay H. The impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial outcomes. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 2008; 15 (1) pp. 382-396.
  3. Ministry of Infrastructure and Development
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  6. Polish Agency for Enterprise Development
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  11. Gajewski Z. Vice-General Manager of the Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan; April 2012
  12. Mitra, J., Matlay, H. Entrepreneurial and vocational education and training: lessons from Eastern and Central Europe. Industry and Higher Education 2004; 18 (1), pp. 53-69.
  13. Hansemark, O.C. Reed for achievement, locus of control and the prediction of business start-ups: A longitudinal study. Journal of Economic Psychology 2002; 24, pp. 301-319.
  14. Sánchez J.C. The Impact of an Entrepreneurship Education Program on Entrepreneurial Competencies and Intention. Journal of Small Business Management 2013; 51(3), pp. 447–465 doi: 10.1111/jsbm.12025
  15. Rumelhart, D.E. Schematy – cegiełki poznania. In: Chlewiński Z. (ed.) Psychologia poznawcza w ostatnich trzech dekadach. Gdańsk: GWP; 2007, pp.431-455
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