There are two major types of emotional experience - one is the obvious one which people experience daily and that is the major emotions they are experiencing as a result of their activities. The other type of emotional experience is one that is driven by deep unconscious factors, and it relates to your strong inner motivations, hopes, fears, expectations for the future, and how you perceive reality.
If you think about it, this makes sense. Emotion is generated by obvious factors - such as person A causes an emotional reaction in person B - and less obvious factors - such as person A has a strong inner desire to save lives, so when they see things that remind them of this, strong emotions are invoked. Emotions that are generated by strong, possibly hidden inner desires are much less obvious than emotions that are the direct result of experiences.
It is hard to measure emotion in both cases though. You can guess that if someone is doing a fun activity they are going to experience the emotion of 'fun' or other 'happy' emotions, but guessing what someones inner desires and motivations are is probably going to be much more
This relates to important concepts that influence how you perceive life, and how your emotions are generated. If you think about it, it makes sense that there are going to be emotional reasons you do things that you aren't aware of the motivation for all of the time. One of these important factors is a concept called "consciousness" - something could feel differently to you simply because you became more aware of it. The thing is new or different now. This concept of consciousness applies to all emotional things, you can become more conscious of one thing or feeling, or more conscious of yourself as a person as a whole.
I would say that how someone is processing their emotions changes how time feels, - their perception of time. If you are more conscious of certain emotions or just more conscious in general it could make any activity more difficult because you have to work to attain that consciousness. This is similar to saying that you should do an activity that is hard when it is least hard for you to do it. There are going to be certain conditions when things are going to be easier - - then your perception of reality and time might be
Another way of describing consciousness is just how clear a feeling or something is to you. If a feeling is more clear, then you are more conscious of it. This is like understanding why you like some things more than others, some things you know better how much you like after you spend time
I guess the question then is how is someone supposed to know when something emotional is more clear to them. Your emotions could be making you feel a lot of things that you aren't aware of you are experiencing.
This is similar to having a hidden bias against someone or a group of people that you aren't aware of you have. I would say that you can observe these emotional phenomena through behavior, probably subtle behavior. That is similar to a painters strokes being influenced by their emotions. You can see how the painter is feeling by how they paint - their unconscious emotions are probably going to influence how they are feeling about the painting.
There are ways of interpreting cognitive information emotionally. Something can be imaginative, logical, happy, persuasive, or other ways in nature. For instance, something imaginative is going to make you feel differently from something that persuades you to do something by force. The 'imaginative' art or whatever it is is probably going to be much more pleasant than when your emotions and thoughts are forced or persuaded to think and feel a certain way. With imagination the thoughts seem more pleasant because your basically creating whatever it is you want to feel by imagining something. Even if you are imagining a nightmare the emotional process is still something you created and therefore subject to your personal bias (and people naturally want themselves to be happy). However, someone can easily repeat painful experiences to themselves, however that is different from imagination. With imagination you create the experience or magnify a real one. Magnifying a real experience emotionally is a part of what imagination is - maybe my point was just that things you create yourself and are more imaginative and probably going to be more pleasant.
There are other factors that make unconscious operations more complicated. kfkkkkffkdldkflldlkfkfk
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