You will now practice the four stages of decision making with a real world case. This case, Risk Assessment, came from a retreat on Business, Science, and Engineering Ethics held in Puerto Rico in December 1998. It was funded by the National Science Foundation, Grant SBR 9810253.
Risk Assessment Scenario
Case Scenario: You supervise a group of engineers working for a private laboratory with expertise in nuclear waste disposal and risk assessment. The DOE (Department of Energy) awarded a contract to your laboratory six years ago to do a risk assessment of various nuclear waste disposal sites. During the six years in which your team has been doing the study, new and more accurate calculations in risk assessment have become available. Your laboratory's study, however, began with the older, simpler calculations and cannot integrate the newer without substantially delaying completion. You, as the leader of the team, propose a delay to the DOE on the grounds that it is necessary to use the more advanced calculations. Your position is that the laboratory needs more time because of the extensive calculations required; you argue that your group must use state of the art science in doing its risk assessment. The DOE says you are using overly high standards of risk assessment to prolong the process, extend the contract, and get more money for your company. They want you to use simpler calculations and finish the project; if you are unwilling to do so, they plan to find another company that thinks differently. Meanwhile, back at the laboratory, your supervisor (a high level company manager) expresses to you the concern that while good science is important in an academic setting, this is the real world and the contract with the DOE is in jeopardy. What should you do?
Part One: Problem Specification
- Specify the problem in the above scenario. Be as concise and specific as possible
- Is your problem best specifiable as a disagreement? Between whom? Over what?
- Can your problem be specified as a value conflict? What are the values in conflict? Are the moral, nonmoral, or both?
Part Two: Solution Generation
- Quickly and without analysis or criticism brainstorm 5 to ten solutions
- Refine your solution list. Can solutions be eliminated? (On what basis?) Can solutions be combined? Can solutions be combined as plan a and plan b?
- If you specified your problem as a disagreement, how do your solutions resolve the disagreement? Can you negotiate interests over positions? What if your plan of action doesn't work?
- If you formulated your problem as a value conflict, how do your solutions resolve this conflict? By integrating the conflicting values? By partially realizing them through a value compromise? By trading one value of for another?
Part Three: Solution Testing
- Construct a solution evaluation matrix to compare two to three solution alternatives.
- Choose a bad solution and then compare to it the two strongest solutions you have.
- Be sure to avoid the pitfalls described above and set up each test carefully.
Part Four: Solution Implementation
- Develop an implementation plan for your best solution. This plan should anticipate obstacles and offer means for overcoming them.
- Prepare a feasibility table outlining these issues using the table presented above.
- Remember that each of these feasibility constraints is negotiable and therefore flexible. If you choose to set aside a feasibility constraint then you need to outline how you would negotiate the extension of that constraint.
Decision-Making Presentation
Please view or download it at Decision Making Manual V4.pptx
Clicking on this link will allow you to open a presentation designed to introduce problem solving in ethics as analogous to that in design, summarize the concept of a socio-technical system, and provide an orientation in the four stages of problem solving. This presentation was given February 28, 2008 at UPRM for ADMI 6005 students, Special Topics in Research Ethics.
Problem Solving Presentation
This media object is a downloadable file. Please view or download it at Decision Making Manual V5.pptx
Shortened Presentation for Fall 2012
Please view or download it at Decision Making Manual V6.pptx
Vigo Socio-Technical System Table and Problems
Please view or download it at Vigo STS.docx
Decision Making Worksheet
Please view or download it at Decision Making Worksheet.docx
This exercise is designed to give you practice with the three frameworks described in this module. It is based on the case, "When in Aguadilla."
Test Rubric Fall 2009: Problem-Solving
Please view or download it at PE Rubric EO S09.docx
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