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What you will do...

15 January, 2016 - 09:10
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Module Activities

  • Study the Prisoner's Dilemma to help you formulate the central challenges of corporate governance.
  • Study four different approaches to corporate governance, (1) agency theory, (2) the stockholder ap proach, (3) the stakeholder approach, and (4) stewardship theory.
  • Examine corporate governance from the macro level by (1) looking at the structural changes a company can make to comply with legal and ethical standards and (2) examining the balances that government must make to control corporate behavior and yet preserve economic freedom.
  • Design a corporate governance program for an actual company that you and your group choose. It should be a company to which you have open access. You will also be required to take steps to gain the consent of this company for your study.
  • Reflect on how to integrate this module's macro description of corporate governance with the micro perspective presented in the module on moral ecologies and corporate governance.

Corporate Governance Plans

  • A corporate code of ethics that responds to the specific ethical problems uncovered by your profile of the corporation you are studying.
  • A corporate ethics training program designed to acquaint employees, owners, and managers with the company's value aspirations and compliance objectives.
  • A Corporate Ethics Audit designed to identify and minimize ethical risks.
  • A comprehensive ethics compliance program that responds to the requirements set forth in Sarbanes and Oxley as well as the Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
  • A program in corporate excellence designed to articulate and realize the core values that define your company's identity and integrity.