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- L.P. Bucklin, "Retail Strategy and the Classification of Consumer Goods," Journal of Marketing, January 1963, pp. 53-54.
- Robert G. Cooper, 1992. "New Product Success in Industrial Firms," Industrial Marketing Management, pp. 215-223.
- Leonard L. Berry, "Services Marketing Is Different," Business Magazine, May-June 1980, pp. 19-28.
- Brian O'Reilly, 1997. "New Ideas, New Products," Fortune, March 3, 1999, pp. 61-64.
- Joel Dean, Managerial Economics, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. , 1951, pp. 411-412.
- Robert J. Kelsey. "The Process of Innovation and Diffusion of Innovation," Journal of Marketing, January 1978, pp. 14-19.
- Patrick Oster, "The Erosion of Brand Loyalty," Business Week, July 19, 1993, p.22. Stephanie Thompson, "Brand Buddies," Brandweek, February 23, 1998, pp. 22-30.
- David A. Aaker and J. Gary Shansby, "Positioning Your Product," Business Horizons, .Vlay-June 1982, pp. 56-62.
- Robert G. Cooper and Elko J. Kleinschmidt, New Product: The Key Factors to Success, American Marketing Association, 1990.
- Thomas Robertson, "The Process of Innovation and Diffusion of Innovation," Journal of Marketing, January 1967, pp. 14-19.
- Eberhard Scheming, New Product Management, Hinsdale, IL: The Dryden Press, 1974.
- Pam Weise, "Getting Hot New ideas from Customers," Fortune, May 19, 1992, pp. 86-87.
- Abbie Griffin, "PDMA Research on New Product Development Practices: Updating Trends and Benchmarking Best Practices," Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 14, November 1997, pp. 429-458.
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