Consumer goods marketers sell to individuals who consume the finished product. Business-to-business marketers sell to other businesses or institutions that consume the product in turn as part of operating the business, or use the product in the assembly of the final product they sell to consumers. Business-to-business marketers engage in more personal selling rather than mass advertising and are willing to make extensive adjustments in factors such as the selling price, product features, terms of delivery, and so forth.
For the consumer goods marketer, the various marketing components are relatively fixed. In addition, consumer goods marketers might employ emotional appeals and are faced with the constant battle of getting their product into retail outlets.
The characteristics of a marketing organization include:
- maintenance of contact with consumers
- objective comparison of existing capabilities with ability to meet present and future consumer needs
- maintenance of a consistent message from all marketing elements to all consumer groups
- thorough understanding of strengths and weaknesses of competitors
- understanding of the capabilities of other non-marketing marketing functions
- attempts at familiarity with the community
The types of marketing:
- macromarketing and micromarketing
- service marketing and goods marketing
- for-profit marketing and nonprofit marketing
- mass marketing, direct marketing, and internet marketing
- local, regional, national, and international marketing
- consumer goods marketing and business-to-business marketing
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