

15 一月, 2016 - 09:13
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If you are working in a class or inquiry group, share your creations with each other. For each person in the group, allot enough time both for presentation and for discussion. The discussion following each presentation should maintain a positive and helpful atmosphere, focusing on bringing the entire group into a deeper engagement with the subject of the inquiry. The group leader or other group members may find it useful to:

  • Ask for clarification of anything they did not understand;
  • Ask for further information about any points that interest them;
  • Volunteer possible alternative explanations or points of view that the presenter did not discuss;
  • Suggest other resources that might be relevant to the inquiry question;
  • When appropriate, challenge the trustworthiness or the point of view of the resources used.

If there is time, wrap up the presentation session with a discussion comparing the inquiries. How were the inquiry questions and investigations similar or different? Were any group members inspired to take a different approach to future investigations?

If you are doing this inquiry on your own, you may still be able to find an opportunity to present your creation formally to a teacher or class, or to a group of musicians that you play with. Or consider having an informal conversation about your investigation with someone who might be interested, such as a parent, music teacher, friendly librarian, band mate, or friend or relative who is interested in music. If you focus the conversation on interesting or unexpected difficulties that you encountered, you may get some useful advice!