

Open English –Associated teaching resources released (25 Aug)

25 August, 2016 - 19:27

We have prepared the first batch of teaching resources especially for schools which will adopt Open English in 2016-17 school year.

Local school teachers can now log into their account to download:

  • Open English Activity Book Secondary 1 Unit 1 (Student's edition)
  • Open English Activity Book Secondary 1 Unit 2 (Student's edition) 

Click to see the full list of released teaching resources for schools

Latest progress on Open English

30 June, 2016 - 10:01

We are now finalizing the supplementary materials of Open English, which will be available by batches for teachers from primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong to download for free starting September 2016.

In the meantime, please sign up to download the sample units for free (Available for the members of the public). [Click for more details]

Also, if you are interested in the open textbooks for post-secondary or tertiary levels, please sign up to download the textbooks for free. 


Sign up to download free Open English

25 January, 2016 - 10:39

登記成為會員 下載Open English樣本單元
感謝各界人士的踴躍參與,香港開放教科書發佈會已圓滿結束。請登記成為會員,免費下載Open English 樣本單元,
Thank you for your enthusiastic participation. The Launch of Open Textbook Project has now been successfully completed. Please sign up to download FREE Open English sample units.

供下載的樣本單元如下 Sample units available for download are: 
Primary 3B Units 1-3Primary 5B Units 1-2Secondary 1 Unit 5; & Secondary 4 Unit 2.


4 January, 2016 - 12:21

English Version

本計劃編製的中小學英國語文科開放教科書 Open English (小一至小六; 中一至中六)已獲教育局課本委員會評審小組通過,列入紙本教科書適用書目表,並於2016年9月新學年正式推出。現致函邀請 閣下出席香港開放教科書計劃發佈會





(發佈會) 上午10時至上午11時;(講座) 上午11時15分半至下午12時半


Launch of Open Textbooks

30 December, 2015 - 17:26


日期: 2016年1月23日 (星期六)  Date: 23 January 2016 (Saturday)
時間: 上午10時至下午12時半    Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm
地點: 賽馬會校園銀禧學院         Venue: Theatre 1, 3/F, Jubilee College
         3樓演講廳1                                  Jockey Club Campus

出席人士將獲贈Open English的樣本單元一冊和紀念品一份。
Participants will receive a sample unit of Open English and a souvenir.  

報名方法 Registration: http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/opentextbooks

Open English (Key stages 1 to 4) on Recommended Textbook List!

18 September, 2015 - 17:11

We are delighted to announce that Open English for primary schools, both Key Stages and 2 and Open English for secondary schools, both Key Stages 3 and 4 are on EDB's Recommended Textbook List! The whole series will be available for FREE download in PDF format starting February 2016.
For details, please visit EDB's Recommended Textbook List and Open English (hardcopy) price information

Open English (Primary 1 to 3) is now on EDB's Recommended Textbook List!

20 May, 2015 - 11:27

We are delighted to announce that Open English for Primary 1 to 3 is now on EDB's Recommended Textbook List (RTL). The project team completed the development of the Open English textbook series in April 2015. While Open English for Key Stages 2 to 4 are currently being reviewed by the EDB, we are confident that they will be included in the RTL as well.

For details, please visit:  EDB’s Recommended Textbook List  and  Open English (hardcopy) price information

Additional seats available for first comers (Seminar on 11 April 2015)

17 March, 2015 - 17:16

Thank you for schools' enthusiastic support to our seminars on English Language Open Textbooks, the April session is FULL. 

Additional seats will be made available for first comers (i.e. teachers from schools which have not particiapted in our previous briefing sessions / seminars). Additional seats are limited. Please confirm with us the seat availability ASAP (Enquiries: 2768 6482 / 2768 6484). 

[Details of the tryout package]   [Details - Seminar (Apr 2015)]

Final call: Seminar on open textbooks (11 April 2015)

10 March, 2015 - 09:46

Thank you for schools' enthusiastic support to our seminars on English Language Open Textbooks, the March session is FULL. For teachers who have not joined our seminars, don’t miss the April session where you could get FREE multiple-format tryout package for your classes! 

[Details of the tryout package
[Registration and Details - Seminar (Apr 2015)]
