
Conclusions, recommendations and the way forward

21 七月, 2015 - 11:51

This chapter explored the role of entrepreneurial education in Namibia. It can be concluded that Namibians have a strong will in terms of entrepreneurial education, but the actual implementation of relevant programmes remains a challenge for the economy. It is clear from this chapter that entrepreneurship should be promoted on a much larger scale, and more extensively, in order to reach communities in Namibia. Youths should be exposed to business settings, to help them develop and foster the right attitude in order to develop entrepreneurial skills abilities and skills. A constant and deliberate effort should be made to educate Namibians more in entrepreneurship, and this can be done by taking the following points into consideration:

  • Young pupils, starting from primary school, should be exposed to business concepts in order to develop the right mindset (skills and competencies to develop better).
  • Successful integration of entrepreneurial education will also require patience and respect from the various ethnic groups who exist in Namibia.
  • The theoretical components in the education curriculum should be balanced with practical work to develop competencies that will stimulate the entrepreneur.
  • A Namibian who is already in business should be mentored to perform to the best of their ability and try to develop some competencies.
  • Institutions of higher learning such as the University of Namibia, who offer courses in entrepreneurship, should help with convincing the nation that a mindset change is needed and the conditions need to be fulfilled.