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package rac; import listFW.*; import listFW.factory.*; import lrs.*; /** * Implements a factory for restricted access containers. These * restricted access containers are implemented using an LRStruct to * hold the data objects. */ public abstract class ALRSRACFactory implements IRACFactory { /** * Implements a general-purpose restricted access container using * an LRStruct. How? * * The next item to remove is always at the front of the list of * contained objects. This is invariant! * * Insertion is, however, delegated to a strategy routine; and * this strategy is provided to the container. This strategy * varies to implement the desired kind of container, e.g., queue * vs. stack. * * This nested static class is protected so that classes derived from its * factory can reuse it to create other kinds of restricted access * container. */ protected static class LRSRAContainer implements IRAContainer { private IAlgo _insertStrategy; private LRStruct _lrs; public LRSRAContainer(IAlgo strategy) { _insertStrategy = strategy; _lrs = new LRStruct(); } /** * Empty the container. */ public void clear() { _lrs = new LRStruct(); } /** * Return TRUE if the container is empty; otherwise, return * FALSE. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return (Boolean)_lrs.execute(CheckEmpty.Singleton); } /** * Return TRUE if the container is full; otherwise, return * FALSE. * * This implementation can hold an arbitrary number of * objects. Thus, always return false. */ public boolean isFull() { return false; } /** * Return an immutable list of all elements in the container. */ public IList elements(final IListFactory fact) { return (IList) lrs.execute(new IAlgo() { public Object emptyCase(LRStruct host, Object... nu) { return fact.makeEmptyList(); } public Object nonEmptyCase(LRStruct host, Object... nu) { return fact.makeNEList(host.getFirst(), (IList)host.getRest().execute(this)); } }); } /** * Remove the next item from the container and return it. */ public Object get() { return _lrs.removeFront(); } /** * Add an item to the container. */ public void put(Object input) { _lrs.execute( insertStrategy, input); } public Object peek() { return _lrs.getFirst(); } } } /** * Package private class used by ALRSRACFactory to check for emptiness of its internal LRStruct. */ class CheckEmpty implements IAlgo { public static final CheckEmpty Singleton= new CheckEmpty(); private CheckEmpty() { } public Object emptyCase(LRStruct host, Object... input) { return Boolean.TRUE; } public Object nonEmptyCase(LRStruct host, Object... input) { return Boolean.FALSE; } }
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