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Whenever we want the IList to perform a task, we add a method to IList and write appropriate concrete implementations in MTList and NEList. The following table illustrates the code template for writing the concrete code in MTList and NEList.
interface IList | |
public abstract returnType methodName(parameter list); // returnType may be 'void' | |
MTList // no data |
Object _first;
IList _rest; |
public returnType methodName(param list) { /* This is in general the base case of a recursive call. Write the (non-recursive) code to solve the problem. */ } |
public returnType methodName(param list) { /* This is in general a recursive method. The code here can refer to _first and _rest, and all the methods in NEList When referencing _rest, one usually makes the recursive call: _rest.methodName(appropriate parameters). */ } |
In Class Exercuses (Role-Acting)
- Find a number in a list and return "Found it!" if the number is in the list otherwise return "Not found!"
- Append a list B to a given list A and return a new list consisting of A and B concatenated together.
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