Rebore continues by stating that: "Unfortunately, many school districts still see the human resource function ONLY as the hiring of competent teachers. He further identifies eight dimensions of the human resources function, that are not discrete, isolated entities, but rather, integral aspects of the same function. Rebore uses these dimensions as the framework for his text." (p. 11).
- Establishing a Plan for Human Resources Planning
- Recruitment of Personnel
- Selection of Personnel
- Placement of Personnel
- Setting the Stage for Staff Development
- Performance Evaluation
- Compensation
- Collective Negotiations
Quite honestly and in fact, few principals recruit, select, and place personnel. Yes, fortunately most school districts allow the principal to select candidates for teaching positions, but these candidates usually have already been selected as personnel by the human resources department. Rebore's 7th and 8th Dimensions above Compensation and Collective Negotiations, are responsibilities of a superintendendent. So, what am I saying?
I am saying that many of the commonly used topics in Personnel texts are not really the tasks that a principal faces. For example, principals rarely are charged with personnel recruitment, selection, and placement. These in most cases, are job responsibilities of superintendents, associate superintendents, and/or personnel and resource directors. Even more rarely do principals get involved in compensation and salary schedules and collective bargaining. Again, these areas are handled by superintendendents.
We will not spend much time in this course focused on topics not realistically practiced by the principal. In my experience as both a principal AND superintendent, I have found other things more important to the understanding and practice of managing and leading personnel at the building level. These topics found below will form the basis for your course in Personnel Administration.
- Personnel Administration is about Relationships
- Promoting Collegiality
- Integrative Thinking
- The Ambiguity of Leadership
- Evaluating Teacher Growth
- Facilitating Creativity and Teamwork
- Making Meetings Meaningful
- Partnering with Parents
- Institutional Effectiveness and Strategy
- Dealing with Resisters and Saboteurs
- Leading from Below the Surface: Effective Induction Programs
- Grievance Policies and Termination Processes
- Legal and Policy Issues
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