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The waterfall figure above illustrates a general waterfall model which could apply to any computer system development. It shows the process as a strict sequence of steps where the output of one step is the input to the next and all of one step has to be completed before moving onto the next.
We can use the waterfall process as a means of identifying the tasks that are required, together with the input and output for each activity. What is important is the scope of the activities, which can be summarised as follows:
- Establishing requirements involves consultation with, and agreement among, stakeholders as to what they want of a system, expressed as a statement of requirements.
- Analysis starts by considering the statement of requirements and finishes by producing a system specification. The specification is a formal representation of what a system should do, expressed in terms that are independent of how it may be realized.
- Design begins with a system specification and produces design documents, and provides a detailed description of how a system should be constructed.
- Implementation is the construction of a computer system according to a given design document and taking account of the environment in which the system will be operating (for example specific hardware or software available for the development). Implementation may be staged, usually with an initial system than can be validated and tested before a final system is released for use.
- Testing compares the implemented system against the design documents and requirements specification and produces an acceptance report or, more usually, a list of errors and bugs that require a review of the analysis, design and implementation processes to correct (testing is usually the task that leads to the waterfall model iterating through the life cycle).
- Maintenance involves dealing with changes in the requirements, or the implementation environment, bug fixing or porting of the system to new environments (for example migrating a system from a standalone PC to a UNIX workstation or a networked environment). Since maintenance involves the analysis of the changes required, design of a solution, implementation and testing of that solution over the lifetime of a maintained software system, the waterfall life cycle will be repeatedly revisited.
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