
Introduction, Section Two

29 九月, 2015 - 11:10

The cause of this is thought to be the obscurity of things, or the natural weakness and imperfection of our understand- ings. It is said, the faculties we have are few, and those designed by nature for the support and comfort of life, and not to penetrate into the inward essence and constitution of things. Besides, the mind of man being finite, when it treats of things which partake of infinity, it is not to be wondered at if it run into absurdities and contradictions, out of which it is impossible it should ever extricate itself, it being of the nature of infinite not to be comprehended by that which is finite.

  1. The view Berkeley sets out in Introduction, Section Two is not his, as indicated by the passive voice (‘…is thought to be…’, ‘It is said…’) Whose view, then, is he discussing?