
CI Model in Action

2 十月, 2015 - 15:12
  • Acquire: She can use her experience and research around data collection to demonstrate the different ways in which the community is changing. Using data enables her to bring concrete facts to the table. Additionally, she can evaluate the board’s understanding of culture and how cultural differences are played out in the community.
  • Build: Lori has the opportunity to find allies and supporters of her goal who have positional power or influence with board members. She can also find members on the board that can sway or influence others to a different perspective. These strategies can help move her closer to her goal and help the board recognize the importance of cultural changes in the community.
  • Contemplate: She can help her board build their self-efficacy. Because they fear the ambiguity that change brings, she can develop systems or processes that enable her board to build their self- confidence. Additionally, if the board feels any anxiety or stress related to the cultural changes, she can help create a positive environment, gently reminding them of their successes when working with similar cultural situations.
  • Do: An exercise to identify cultural changes, the results of the changes, and what can be lost or gained because of change would be helpful to this organization. Through this process, board members can specifically identify and articulate where their resistance lies. Additionally, Lori has the task of painting a different picture of change for the board members that are resistant. She will need to select her words carefully and be mindful of how she communicates and responds to board members. She can adapt her behavior and how she communicates to be less threatening to board members who fear change. Paying attention to the verbal and nonverbal cues she receives from the board can move her one step closer to her goals.