
Second-Degree Murder Grading

8 十月, 2015 - 10:03

Most jurisdictions grade second-degree murder lowerthan first-degree murder and include less serious sentencing options. 1 Most jurisdictions grade second-degree murder higher than manslaughter because it has a more heinous criminal intent. 2Manslaughter is discussed shortly.


  • Second-degree murder is often defined as any murder that is not first-degree murder. Second-degree murder can also be defined as murder committed recklessly, under circumstances evidencing extreme indifference to life.
  • Second-degree murder includes implied malice murder, such as murder with the intent to cause serious bodily injury, and depraved heart murders.
  • Second-degree murder is graded lower than first-degree murder but higher than manslaughter.


Answer the following questions. Check your answers using the answer key at the end of the chapter.

  1. Reread the second question of the exercises in . When Kurt shoots the homeless person in the alley, is this killing first or second-degree murder? Explain your answer.
  2. Read Berryv. SuperiorCourt, 208 Cal. App. 3d 783 (1989). In Berry, the defendant was charged with second-degree murder when his pit bull attacked and killed a young child. The pit bull had never bitten anyone before this incident. Did the California Court of Appeal uphold the defendant’s murder charge on a theory of implied malice? The case is available at this link: http://lawschool.courtroomview.com/acf_cases/9986-berry-v-superior-court
  3. Read Dowdav. State, 776 So.2d 714 (2000). Why did the Mississippi Court of Appeals hold that this killing was a depraved heart murder? The case is available at this link: http://courts.ms.gov/images/Opinions/Conv9328.pdf