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Three Definitions

23 January, 2015 - 16:49
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Elena Lugo

  • "Las virtudes son disposiciones y rasgos del caracter del agente moral a la hora de ejecutar las acciones inherentes al ser persona.
  • se trata de un punto intermedio entre dos extremos, ninguno de los cuales representa un valor moral, sino que mas bien puede constituir un vicio o al menos carecer de excelencia
  • no son meros rasgos del caracter que se operan automaticamente, sino respuestas deliberadas ante las situaciones concretas
  • Lugo,E. (2002) Relacion Medico / paciente: encuentro interpersonal etica y espiritualidad. Pontifcia Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico: 88

Rosalind Hursthouse

  • "A virtue such as honesty or generosity is not just a tendency to do what is honest or generous, nor is it to be helpfully specified as a "desirable" or "morally valuable" character trait.
  • It is, indeed a character trait that is, a disposition which is well entrenched in its possessor, something that, as we say "goes all the way down", unlike a habit such as being a tea-drinker but the disposition in multi-track.
  • It is concerned with many other actions as well, with emotions and emotional reactions, choices, values, desires, perceptions, attitudes, interests expectations and sensibilities.
  • To possess a virtue is to be a certain sort of person with a certain complex mindset."
  • Hursthouse, R. (2007) "Virtue Ethics" Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


  • MacIntyre, a modern theorist, brings out the communitarianism in Aristotle
  • "A virtue is an acquired human quality the possession and exercise of which tend to enable us to achieve those goods which are internal to practices and the lack of which effectively prevents us from achieving any such goods."