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Decision Point Four

9 January, 2015 - 09:41
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Ruth Ibarra (from Quality Assurance) has seen Shirley Reddick resealing chips without the authorization stamp. Ibarra has asked Goodearl to find out what's going on. When Goodearl asks LaRue, he replies, "None of your damn business." Shortly after this, Gooderal receives a phone call from Jim Temple, one of her superiors, telling her to come to his office. Temple informs Goodearl in no uncertain terms that she needs to back down. "You are doing it again. You are not part of the team, running to Quality with every little problem." When Goodearl insisted she did not "run to Quality" but Quality came to her, Temple replies, "Shape up and be part of the team if you want your job."


  • Construct a dialogue in which Gooderal responds to this latest test skipping issue
  • Consider these issues in constructing your dialogue:
  • Goodearl had already confronted LaRue about test skipping when Lisa Lightner came to her. After failing to get results, she had decided to drop the issue
  • How should Goodearl respond to Temple? Should she continue pushing responsible dissent or give way to Temple's threats?