
Module Introduction

9 一月, 2015 - 09:41
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Chances are that you are either actively involved in an effort to find work or soon will be. Based on stories that come from the job-hunting experiences of UPRM students in Practical and Professional ethics classes, this module presents the employment guidelines put out by the IEEE, challenges these guidelines with realistic cases and scenarios, and provides you with decision-making tools to tackle these ethical complexities. This module was developed for and recently presented in Mechanical Engineering Capstone Design courses. It forms a part of the EAC Toolkit funded by the National Science Foundation, SES 0551779.

The details of the IEEE Professional Employment Guidelines for Engineers and Scientists have been reprinted by Stephen Unger in his book, Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible Engineer, 2nd Ed. NY, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.: 315-329. We condense these guidelines to a few concepts. Each concept will be presented and followed by one or more cases designed to test the concept in its application.