

15 一月, 2016 - 09:52
  1. Isobel Doole, Robin Lowe, and Chris Philips, International Marketing Strategy, International Thompson Business Press: London, 1999, pp. 14-15.
  1. Theodore Levitt. "The Globalization of Markets." Harvard Business Review, May-June 1983, pp. 92-102.
  1. Philip Kotler, "Global Standardization-Courting Danger," Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 3, No.2, Spring, 1986, pp. 13-20.
  1. S. Barker and E. Kaynak, "An Empirical Investigation of the Differences Between Initiating and Continuing Exporters," European Journal of Marketers, Vol. 26, No.3, 1992.
  1. Ibid.
  1. Anne Chen and Malt Hicks, "Going Blob Avoid Culture Clashes," PC Week, April 3, 2000, pp. 68-69.
  1. Barker and Kaynak, op. cit.
  1. Eileen Cassidy Imbach, "U.S. Commercial Centers: The Future of Doing Business Abroad," Business America, November, 1994, pp.25-26.
  1. Michael Selz, "More Small Firms Are Turning to Trade Intermediaries," The Wall Street Journal, February 2, 1995, p. B2.
  1. Julia Flunn and R A. Melcher, "Heineken's Battle to Stay Top Bottle," Business Week, August 1, 1998, pp. 60-62.
  1. Warren J. Keegan, Conceptual Framework for Multinational Marketing," Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 7, November 1973, p.67.
  1. TT Nagle, The Strategies and Tactics of Pricing, Prentice-Han, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,1999.