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Internet technology for supporting marketing

19 January, 2016 - 14:50

To understand the potential of Internet marketing, knowledge of the different Internet tools is necessary. For convenience, some of these tools are grouped together and treated collectively because of common features (see Table 4.1).

Table 4.1 Internet technologies




Asynchronous text

E-mail is generally used for one-to-one and oneto- few communications. A bulletin board (in the form of a newsgroup or listserv) can handle one-tomany and many-to-many communications.

Cathay Pacific uses a one-tomany bulletin board to advise prospective customers of special airfares. Claris uses bulletin boards in the many-to-many mode to support the exchange of ideas among customers and support staff.

Synchronous text

Chat enables several people to participate in a real-time text-based discussion. A chat session is conducted on a channel, and those connected to the channel receive all messages broadcast.

The American Booksellers Association uses chat to interview authors.

File transfer

File transfer protocol (FTP) permits the exchange of files across the Internet.

Oracle uses FTP to distribute a 90-day trial version of Power Objects, a software product.


Telnet enables an authorized user to connect to and run programs on another computer.

The Library of Congress Information System (LOCIS) is accessible using Telnet.


Audio files are either downloaded and then played, or played as downloaded (so-called streaming audio).

ABC uses Progressive Network's RealAudio to deliver a news bulletin.


Video files, like audio, are either downloaded and then played, or played as they are downloaded (socalled streaming video).

PBS uses VDOnet Corp. technology to broadcast samples of its programs.


An electronic newswire broadcasts stock prices, sports scores, news, weather, and other items.

Companies are using Pointcast for reaching employees with internal news.

Search engine

A search engine supports finding information on the Web. Simple engines find Web pages. More advanced engines locate information based on defined attributes (e.g., cheapest model Y of brand X camera).

Internet Air Fares allows visitors the ability to search for the cheapest airfares on a particular route that they wish to travel.

Virtual reality

The visitor can look around a location through a full 360 degrees, as well as zoom in and out.

Honda use QuickTime VR to enable prospective customers to view its latest models, both inside and outside.