It is not just intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, that predicts a student’s or professional’s success. Emotional intelligence and personal resilience are becoming as important a measure as test scores. The Program (KIPP) developed a “character growth chart” to help measure students’ personal characteristics that auger well for success in higher education.
Among the attributes it lists and the indicators that a student has those attributes are:
- GRIT: Sticks with a project for more than a few weeks, tries hard even after experiencing failure, keeps working even when s/he felt like quitting
- ZEST: Actively participates, shows enthusiasm, approaches new situations with excitement and energy
- SELF CONTROL (school work): Comes to class prepared, remembers and follows directions, pays attention and is able to resist distractions
- SELF CONTROL (interpersonal): Remains calm even when criticized or otherwise provoked, allows others to speak without interrupting, is polite
- OPTIMISM: Believes that effort would improve his/her future, stays motivated even when things don’t go well
- GRATITUDE: Recognizes what other people do for them, shows appreciation by saying thank you or doing something nice for someone else
- SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE: Finds solutions during conflicts with others, shows they care about the feelings of others
- CURIOSITY: Eager to explore new things, asks questions, takes an active interest in learning
You can see why this list of attributes would be attractive to employers as well.
These are not “skills” per se, but personality traits that will help you succeed in both your academic and professional work environments. We encourage you to develop these approaches and attitudes.
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