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25 November, 2015 - 16:58


  1. Serve the public interest by acting as responsible advocates for those the PR firm or professional represents.
  1. Adhere to the highest standards of truth and accuracy while advancing the interests of those the PR firm or professional represents.
  1. Acquire and responsibly use specialized knowledge and experience in preparing public relations messages to build mutual understanding, credibility and relationships among a wide array of institutions and audiences.
  1. Provide objective counsel to those the PR firm or professional represents. For example, the best advice for a client may be to admit wrongdoing and apologize. The PR practitioner must objectively weigh this advice and offer it if it is the best option.
  1. Deal fairly with clients, employers, competitors, peers, vendors, the media and the general public.
  1. Act promptly to correct erroneous communication for which the PR firm or professional is responsible. Again, failure to do this could invoke both ethical and legal sanctions.