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Interactive Tutorial stepping through the research process:
For more information about how to construct search equations and develop keyword lists:
- Developing an Effective Search Strategy, University of Southampton, 2003. www.studyskills.soton.ac.uk/studyguides/Search%20Strategy.doc
- Formulating your Search Strategy, University of Saskatchewan, 2014. http://libguides.usask.ca/SearchStrategy
- Keyword Searching: Finding Articles on your Topic, 2014. http://academicguides.waldenu.edu/content.php?pid=205436&sid=1714352
- “How do I come up with the best keywords for my searches?”, Bucknell University, 2014. http://bucknell.libanswers.com/a.php?qid=90516
Keywords and SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- How to Do Keyword Research Using Keyword Planner, by Jesse Modoono, May 19, 2014: http://blog.jimdo.com/how-to-do-keyword-research-using-keyword-planner/
Sullivan, D. (2002, October 14). How Search Engines Work at www.uniroma2.it/didattica/prog_web/deposito/search_engine.pdf, captured on July 26, 2012.
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