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- Given the high level of uncertainty present at the onset of the entry phase, as the amount of verbal communication between strangers increases, the level of uncertainty for each interactant in the relationship will decrease. As uncertainty is further reduced, the amount of verbal communication will increase.
- As nonverbal affiliative expressiveness increases, uncertainty levels will decrease in an initial interaction situation. In addition, decreases in uncertainty level will cause increases in nonverbal affiliative expressiveness.
- High levels of uncertainty cause increases in information seeking behavior. As uncertainty levels decline, information seeking behavior decreases.
- High levels of uncertainty in a relationship cause decreases in the intimacy level of communication content. Low levels of uncertainty produce high levels of intimacy.
- High levels of uncertainty produce high rates of reciprocity. Low levels of uncertainty produce low reciprocity rates.
- Similarities between persons reduce uncertainty, while dissimilarities produce increases in uncertainty.
- Increases in uncertainty level produce decreases in liking; decreases in uncertainty level produce increases in liking.
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