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8 September, 2015 - 11:22

We have traced the exponential improvement in electronic, storage and communication technology during the last half century. That change has enabled qualitative shifts in the dominant software development and delivery platform, beginning with batch processing, and extended by time sharing, local area networks, personal computers and now computer networks.

Internet based software is now becoming dominant. Moving to the network platform facilitates open source software, applications based on user-supplied content, composite applications, software as a service, mobile, portable and location aware applications, long-tail applications, and applications in support of collaboration.

It seems likely that this progress will continue as existing technologies are refined and new ones invented. Still, we can see barriers, which will slow the adoption of new applications. Video applications will require enormous expansion of our current communication and data center capacity and vast amounts of electric power. Inequity – a digital divide – within and among nations will limit the access to the benefits of our progress. Conservative vested interests work to preserver the status quo and we also face barriers in intellectual property restrictions, security and privacy.