

8 九月, 2015 - 18:10

Carmi, Shai; Havlin, Shlomo; Kirkpatrick, Scott; Shavitt, Yuvall; Shir, Eran. A model of Internet topology using k-shell decomposition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 (27): 11150-11154, July 3, 2007.

Dzubeck, Frank. Get ready for corporate P2P apps. NetworkWorld, April 11, 2005. Online at http://www.networkworld.com/columnists/2005041105dzubeck.html.

Graham-Rowe, Duncan. Mapping the Internet. MIT Technology Review, June 19, 2007.

Green, Heather with Lacy, Sarah and Rosenbush, Steve. What comes after YouTube. BusinessWeek, October 30, 2006.

Holahan, Catherine. Advertising to the file-sharing crowd. BusinessWeek, February 26, 2007. http://www.businessweek.com/print/technology/content/feb2007/tc20070226_793620.htm

Kharif, Olga. Waiting for the killer apps. BusinessWeek, August 1, 2001.

Leyden, John. Pfizer worker data leaked via P2P. The Register, June 14, 2007. www.theregister.co.uk2007/06/14/pfizer_p2p_data_leak/print.html

Myer, Michael. Free music downloads, lawsuit not included. Business 2.0 Magazine, April 23, 2007.

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Rosenbush, Steve. Kazaa, Skype, and now “The Venice Project.” BusinessWeek, July 24, 2006.

Roush, Wade. Peering into video’s future. MIT Technology Review, March-April, 2007.