

7 九月, 2015 - 11:57

The Global Text Project (http://globaltext.org/) was initiated in early 2006 to develop a series of free, open content, electronic textbooks. A description of the Global Text Project is available on the project’s.

The impetus for developing the information systems text as one of the first in the series is based on:

  • The worldwide community of IS academics is a closely-knit community. Individuals know each other and have a long history of cooperating with each other on a global scale. Creation of an open content textbook will require the cooperation of the worldwide community of faculty and their students, as well as practitioners.
  • The IS community, of all academic communities, should be the one that is an early adopter of technology that holds the promise of being able to create a state-of-the-art textbook.

The Information Systems textbook created by the community will be best-in-class, up-to-date, and, perhaps most importantly, made available at no cost to students anywhere in the world, but particularly to students in the developing world.