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What Is an Information System?

31 July, 2015 - 17:58

Learning Objectives

Upon successful completion of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • define what an information system is by identifying its major components;
  • describe the basic history of information systems; and
  • describe the basic argument behind the article “Does IT Matter?” by Nicholas Carr.


If you are reading this, you are most likely taking a course in information systems, but do you even know what the course is going to cover? When you tell your friends or your family that you are taking a course in information systems, can you explain what it is about? For the past several years, I have taught an Introduction to Information Systems course. The first day of class I ask my students to tell me what they think an information system is. I generally get answers such as “computers,” “databases,” or “Excel.” These are good answers, but definitely incomplete ones. The study of information systems goes far beyond understanding some technologies. Let’s begin our study by defining information systems.