Media Coverage (2016)
星島日報 (2016年4月29日) 公大非實體課本 教局力挺無違規 通過送審列書目表
星島日報 (2016年4月28日) 公大非實體課本「混入」紙本教科書目
東方日報 (2016年4月28日) 教科書續漲價 家長百上加斤
文匯報 (2016年4月28日) 小學電子教科書「逆市」減價 毋須儲存印刷成本有助降價教界:利推電子學習
香港樹仁大學仁聞報 (2016年3月號) 書商批加劇競爭 公大免費教材受爭議
星島日報家長八達通 (2016年2月24日) 公大「開放教科書」免費睇中小學教材
文匯網 (2016年1月24日) 公大「開放」電子教科書任睇《Open English》9月供免費下載料惠30萬師生家長
成報 (2016年1月24日) 公大推出計劃 盼增教學效益 免費網上教科書全港共用
太陽報 (2016年1月24日) 公大免費教材 30萬師生受惠
東方日報 (2016年1月24日) 免費開放教科書 30萬人受惠
星島日報 (2016年1月24日) 公大首推免費《開放教科書》
OUHK embarks on Open Textbook project
A successful application to the Chief Executive's Community Project Fund has enabled the OUHK to begin a project to develop an Open Textbook System for Hong Kong. The project aims to establish a sustainable system to provide quality open textbooks for adoption and adaptation at minimal cost for use by teachers and students at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. The project has received funding of $17.5 million.
Past Events
Our project leader, Dr. YUEN Kin-sun, will give a keynote on open textbooks at The 7th IT PRO IT Education Conference 2016 on 21 May 2016 (Saturday). You are most welcome to participate in the keynote session to understand how open textbooks could enhance learning and teaching.
(Please click on the picture to view the poster of the conference.)
Keynote: |
香港開放教科書教學示範 |
Speaker: |
Dr. YUEN Kin-sun Director of Educational Technology and Publishing Unit, OUHK Project Leader of the Open Textbooks for Hong Kong Project |
Date: |
21 May 2016 (Saturday) |
Time: |
2:00pm – 2:40pm |
Venue: |
Theatre 2, 1/F, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Language: |
Cantonese |
Registration (FREE): |
Website of the conference: |
The Open Textbooks for Hong Kong Project has developed the Open English textbook series for P1 to P6 and S1 to S6. In order to present our open textbooks to schools, we will organize monthly seminars on English Language Open Textbooks for primary and secondary school principals and teachers, especially English language teachers between February and May 2016.
Online registration:
日期: 2016年1月23日 (星期六) Date: 23 January 2016 (Saturday)
時間: 上午10時至下午12時半 Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm
地點: 賽馬會校園銀禧學院 Venue: Theatre 1, 3/F, Jubilee College,
3樓演講廳1 Jockey Club Campus
出席人士將獲贈Open English的樣本單元一冊和紀念品一份。
Participants will receive a sample unit of Open English and a souvenir.
報名方法 Registration:
日期: 2016年1月23日 (星期六) Date: 23 January 2016 (Saturday)
時間: 上午10時至下午12時半 Time: 10:00am - 12:30pm
地點: 賽馬會校園銀禧學院 Venue: Theatre 1, 3/F, Jubilee College,
3樓演講廳1 Jockey Club Campus
出席人士將獲贈Open English的樣本單元一冊和紀念品一份。
Participants will receive a sample unit of Open English and a souvenir.
報名方法 Registration:
The "Open Textbooks for Hong Kong" Project will showcase Open English at booth K05 and conduct a seminar for teachers (Seminar Theatre II) at the Learning and Teaching Expo 2015!
Please click the following links for details:
Visitor registration (FREE) About our booth K05 About our seminar
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