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Chapter 13

4 August, 2015 - 12:54
1. Which countries are the biggest users of the Internet? Social media? Mobile?

a. Students will need to look outside the text for this, as it changes all the time. There are also different ways of measurement: number of users, % of population, most active users, etc. Some good sites to use are Internet World Stats, Kissmetrics, and the World Bank.

2. Which country had the largest Internet growth (in %) between 2008 and 2012?
    a. Iran, at 205%
3. How will most people connect to the Internet in the future?

a. via mobile devices

4. What are two different applications of wearable technologies?

a. There are many answers to this question; two examples are Google Glass and JawboneUP.

5. What are two different applications of collaborative technologies?

a. There are many answers to this; two examples are software that routes us to our destination in the shortest amount of time, and websites that review different companies.

6. What capabilities do printable technologies have?

a. Using 3-D printers, designers can quickly test prototypes or build something as a proof of concept. Printable technologies also make it possible to bring manufacturing to the desktop computer.

7. How will advances in wireless technologies and sensors make objects “findable”?

a. Advances in wireless technologies and sensors will allow physical objects to send and receive data about themselves.

8. What is enhanced situational awareness?

a. Data from large numbers of sensors can give decision makers a heightened awareness of real-time events, particularly when the sensors are used with advanced display or visualization technologies.

9. What is a nanobot?

a. A nanobot is a robot whose components are on the scale of about a nanometer.

10. What is a UAV?

a. An unmanned aerial vehicle – a small airplane or helicopter that can fly without a pilot. UAVs are run by computer or remote control.