
Coordinate sequences

8 九月, 2015 - 10:43

The rectangle method takes a sequence of coordinates that specify opposite corners of the rectangle. This example draws a blue rectangle with the lower left corner at the origin and the upper right corner at (200, 100):

canvas.rectangle([[0, 0], [200, 100]],fill='blue', outline='orange', width=10)

This way of specifying corners is called a bounding box because the two points bound the rectangle.

oval takes a bounding box and draws an oval within the specified rectangle:

canvas.oval([[0, 0], [200, 100]], outline='orange', width=10)

line takes a sequence of coordinates and draws a line that connects the points. This example draws two legs of a triangle:

canvas.line([[0, 100], [100, 200], [200, 100]], width=10)

polygon takes the same arguments, but it draws the last leg of the polygon (if necessary) and fills it in:

canvas.polygon([[0, 100], [100, 200], [200, 100]],fill='red', outline='orange', width=10)