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The sender sends a message to the receiver over a medium, using a common
agreed-upon protocol for the interpretation of the message
- Protocol is important to data communications as the sender and the receiver should know the correct format in which to send the message via the medium, and should know how to interpret the message content. Protocols are present in the telephone network, in data communication, and on the Internet.
- Computers are used to build modern networks, and the network is used to serve the computer by linking up the computer servers and the computer terminals. This is a vicious cycle. The advent of distributed processing deepens this vicious cycle. Before the advent of distributed processing, a computer network was used mainly to connect a mainframe computer to its terminals, or to link up big computers for data exchange. With the advent of distributed processing, intermediate processed data are passed between hosts on the computer network.
- Simplex
- Sending stock information to pager
- Half-duplex
- Push-to-talk walkie-talkie
- Full-duplex
- Internet access
- 1055 reads