Welcome to this free courseware module, which is part of the OUHK course TC S372 Product Environmental, Health and Safety Standards. TC S372 is a five-credit, higher-level course that is part of the BSc/Bsc (Hons) in Product Design, Testing and Certification programme degree programme at the OUHK.
TC S372, like most OUHK courses, is presented in the distance learning mode using print-based materials. The materials for this module have been specially adapted to make them more suitable for studying online.
Normal study units in OUHK courses contain study content, activities, self-tests, and assigned readings. This module retains most of these elements, so you can have a taste of what an OUHK course is like. In addition to this module's topics introducing the basic concept of product environmental, health and safety (EHS) performance, and on categorizing products and the product life cycle, the original unit also includes topics on product EHS performance, and standards and regulations.
This module provides you with the foundational knowledge you need to understand what 'products' are, and how they can be classified, designed, produced and disposed of in ways that best preserve and promote the integrity of the environment, and of human health and safety.
This module should take you about six hours to complete, including the time you will need to complete the activities and self-tests.
Good luck, and enjoy your study!
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