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21 July, 2015 - 17:15
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Learning, understanding, and knowledge generally happen in the context of people doing things together and communicating with each other. You will probably not find your inquiry to be very satisfying if you cannot communicate to others about your understanding or do things that others find to be interesting and skillful. It is therefore ideal to get honest, useful, encouraging feedback - a review or constructive criticism - from others with every cycle of inquiry. You may find it easy to arrange for this type of feedback, for example if you are taking part in a group inquiry, in a class or group that is pursuing related inquiries, or have a music instructor who is sympathetic to your inquiry goal.

If this step is a challenge for you, however, you may be tempted to skip it, and in some cycles you may have to rely on self-critique. It is important that you not skip this step in every cycle. You may have to be creative and resourceful in organizing feedback opportunities. The Four Inquiries in Constructive Music Criticism module includes suggestions for assembling a "support" system of people who can offer you useful feedback.

Giving useful feedback that helps other people learn is an art that requires practice. Receiving feedback in a positive spirit can also be a challenge requiring a willingness to acknowledge your present shortcomings without getting discouraged. If your inquiry will involve providing feedback or critique to other members of your class or inquiry group, or if you must sometimes rely on self-critique, or if you have trouble receiving even constructive criticism, you should consider doing some of he inquiries in the Four Inquiries in Constructive Music Criticism module.