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21 July, 2015 - 17:15
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Presenting your ideas and creations to others, and receiving their feedback, should help you realize what you have learned, what is still unclear, what questions and interests others might have about your project, what resources and processes were useful (or not useful) to you, and what new questions are beginning to interest you. Because inquiry does not follow a standardized path to a predetermined conclusion, it is important to assess where the inquiry actually led you, and why, and how that will affect your next question and inquiry cycle. For example, you may decide that you have mastered a particular concept that you needed and are ready to take the next step towards your learning goal, or that you need a break from inquiry to digest and practice what you have learned. You may decide that the inquiry did not leave you where you had hoped to be, and decide to alter it, based on what you did learn, and "try again." Or you may decide to alter your long-term learning goal, a little or a lot, because the inquiry has changed your interests and questions.

If you are not certain how to do this step, try the Assessing Music Learning for Inquiry module.