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Nested Control Structures

6 February, 2015 - 15:36

We are going to first introduce the concept of nested control structures. Nesting is a concept that places one item inside of another. Consider:

if expression   true action 
else   false action 

This is the basic form of the if then else control structure. Now consider:

if age is less than l8   you can't vote   if age is less than l6     you can't drive else     you can drive else   you can vote   if age is less than 2l     you can't drink else     you can drink 

As you can see we simply included as part of the "true action" a statement and another if then else control structure. We did the same (nested another if then else) for the "false action". In our example we nested if then else control structures. Nesting could have an if then else within a while loop. Thus, the concept of nesting allows the mixing of the different categories of control structures.