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Retrieve and/or insert a record

24 February, 2015 - 12:48

When we prompt the user for a Twitter account, if the account exists, we must look up its id value. If the account does not yet exist in the People table, we must insert the record and get the id value from the inserted row.

This is a very common pattern and is done twice in the program above. This code shows how we look up the id for a friend’s account when we have extracted a screen_name from a user node in the retrieved Twitter JSON.

Since over time it will be increasingly likely that the account will already be in the database, we first check to see if the People record exists using a SELECT statement.

If all goes well 1 inside the try section, we retrieve the record using fetchone() and then retrieve the first (and only) element of the returned tuple and store it in friend_id.

If the SELECT fails, the fetchone()[0] code will fail and control will transfer into the except section.

friend = u['screen_name']cur.execute('SELECT id FROM People WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1',    (friend, ) )try:    friend_id = cur.fetchone()[0]    countold = countold + 1except:    cur.execute('''INSERT OR IGNORE INTO People (name, retrieved)        VALUES ( ?, 0)''', ( friend, ) )    conn.commit()    if cur.rowcount != 1 :        print 'Error inserting account:',friend        continue    friend_id = cur.lastrowid    countnew = countnew + 1

If we end up in the except code, it simply means that the row was not found so we must insert the row. We use INSERT OR IGNORE just to avoid errors and then call commit() to force the database to really be updated. After the write is done, we can check the cur.rowcount to see how many rows were affected. Since we are attempting to insert a single row, if the number of affected rows is something other than one, it is an error.

If the INSERT is successful, we can look at cur.lastrowid to find out what value the database assigned to the id column in our newly created row.