Safety training is a type of training that occurs to ensure employees are protected from injuries caused by work-related accidents. Safety training is especially important for organizations that use chemicals or other types of hazardous materials in their production. Safety training can also include evacuation plans, fire drills, and workplace violence procedures. Safety training can also include the following:
- Eye safety
- First aid
- Food service safety
- Hearing protection
- Asbestos
- Construction safety
- Hazmat safety
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, is the main federal agency charged with enforcement of safety and health regulation in the United States. OSHA provides external training to companies on OSHA standards. Sometimes in-house training will also cover safety training.
Starbucks Training Video
This is a short video Starbucks uses to train new employees on customer service.
Please view this video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAmftgYEWqU.
Key Takeaways
- There are several types of training we can provide for employees. In all situations, a variety of training types will be used, depending on the type of job.
- Technical training addresses software or other programs that employees use while working for the organization.
- Quality training is a type of training that familiarizes all employees with the means to produce a good-quality product. The ISO sets the standard on quality for most production and environmental situations. ISO training can be done in-house or externally.
- Skills training focuses on the skills that the employee actually needs to know to perform their job. A mentor can help with this kind of training.
- Soft skills are those that do not relate directly to our job but are important. Soft skills training may train someone on how to better communicate and negotiate or provide good customer service.
- Professional training is normally given externally and might be obtaining certification or specific information needed about a profession to perform a job. For example, tax accountants need to be up to date on tax laws; this type of training is often external.
- Team training is a process that empowers teams to improve decision making, problem solving, and team-development skills. Team training can help improve communication and result in more productive businesses.
- To get someone ready to take on a management role, managerial training might be given.
- Safety training is important to make sure an organization is meeting OSHAstandards. Safety training can also include disaster planning.
- Which type of training do you think is most important for an administrative assistant? What about for a restaurant server? Explain your answer.
- Research OSHA. What are some of the new standards and laws it has recently developed? Outline a training plan for the new standards.
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