In this free courseware module, we have go through sections about risk assessment. The module starts step by step from explaining the meaning of risk assessments to how various kinds of risk assessments are conducted. We have examined topics including quantitative assessments, qualitative assessments and direct risk assessment. We have also studied risk assessment from practical aspects and introduce the five steps to risk assessment. After completed this free courseware module, you should now have the basic knowledge in formulating and applying risk assessment in your work place.
Apart from risk assessment we discussed in this free courseware module, the original unit also covers another important aspects of safety, i.e. safety analysis. Safety analysis is used in an occupational safety and health (OSH) environment (i.e. the most common application of a safety analysis). It is commonly referred as job safety analysis (JSA) or job hazard analysis (JHA). And since software developments have had a great influence on safety (e.g. railway signalling, aircraft controls, medical equipment, etc.), the original unit also includes sections about software safety analysis. Although we have not go into the above two topics, it is hoped that the concepts covered in this module could provide you some insights to look further into the safety analysis and risk assessment issue in work place.
If you would like to learn more on this subject, you are welcome to enrol in SCI S409 Safety and Reliability for Science and Technology offered by the School of Science and Technology of the OUHK.
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